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About Me
The Bunkin Patch was born many years ago, shortly after my youngest child was born. I took a couple of years off from work, and during that time, a friend talked me into taking a decorative painting class with her at The Country Heart in Manassas, VA. One class, and I was hooked. Painting soon took over my kitchen table and every available space in my house. My dad, bless him, taught me how to cut out my own wood while keeping my fingers intact. According to him: "I didn't pay for 4 years of college for you to watch soap operas all day." He's no longer with us, but I think of him every time I go to my shop to cut out wood.
But, I digress...I entered a craft show as a way to make a few extra bucks and sold out of almost everything! And The Bunkin Patch was born! After I returned to work, painting was done late into the night and on my days off, but I never gave it up. The years flew by and I found myself without little ones to care for, and eagerly embraced my free time when I retired as a Human Resources Director. I do miss the daily human interaction, but my love of painting fills my days.
You will find that I paint not only on wood, but recycled wine bottles, metal pots, gourds, and who knows what else! I now am the proud owner of two laser cutters! The lasers have made a profound positive impact on my business..I can cut many more ornaments and other items without spending hours in my shop on a band saw, scroll saw, and sander. I love it!
I find satisfaction these days in craft shows, my crafting buddies, friends, my children, and especially my four precious little grandchildren..we finally got a little girl! They make it all worthwhile. Enjoy my site, and I'm always open to suggestions!

My Employees
Tank, Sherman, and Friday
Max is no longer with us, but I miss him terribly!

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